Sunday, January 01, 2006

the moments

We do not remember days; we remember moments. - Cesare Pavese, The Burning Brand

Top 11 moments of 2005.
(in no particular order)

- recieving my high school diploma
- being a counsellor at Camp Adonai (the many moments)
- coming to Redeemer University
- winning the championship game of our softball season
- playing "fetch" with Chester
- coming home
- hot tub talks with Robyn
- learning how to waterski
- late night talks with Liz and Angie (and by late night I mean early morning)
- Quebec trip with Jess
- hmm... and of course Senate, how could I ever have forgotten? (added with no feelings of obligation at all - lol)


craig said...

and where does senate fit in hmm? i am terribly better add it to your list, even if it means have your top 11 event things.