Tuesday, August 01, 2006

my poor healthy heart.

Today was probably the grossest day ever. Has anyone else noticed that it feels like 50 degrees outside? Well, like everyone else I'm detesting this muggy, swampy, sticky, sauna weather. Although, unlike most of you I have a bone to pick with air conditioners.
So, today I was working in the soy bean plant office where they had the air conditioner cranked and I was freezing cold; I had goosbumps all over my arms and was constantly shivering. And then BAM! I stepped outside and I seriously had a heart murmer. My body had to go from trying to produce enough heat to keep my oragans pumping to extreme overload of heat. And then I realised I left my truck keys in the office so I had to go back into the freezer. BAM! - once again. Needless to say, those temperature changes made me feel ill for the rest of the day. BLAHG.
This is my opinion: I think air conditioners are ridiculous. They just make the heat seem even more unbearable, plus I can't imagine them being good for you. I heard stories from the girls on my baseball team of how they had to wear sweaters to work today - that is the true defination of ridiculous. I much rather a power fan, driving with the windows down, drinking lots of lemonade, or better yet, going for a swim after a hot day (if your like me and don't have a pool, the garden hose is a very good option). It's summer and its going to be hot, so if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen!
(ps. Im still hoping that this heat doesn't "stick" around for long, Im human)

Ill make an exception for the elderly who require air conditioning to stay healthy, oh and those who have asthma, and i guess for those who work in green houses *cough liz*


liz said...

haha, "stick". in the words of angie, "why are you so funny??"

liz said...

thank-you, i appreciate that. its all about using your ac economically :)

detayl said...

Id be one of those working in the greenhouse.. and let me just say.. that if it werent for air conditioning.. i probably wouldnt be alive.. my body would be constantly hot.. and sweating.. and would eventually quit on me :)

denise <><

Josh said...

you people are a bunch of complainers! have you ever thought about the kids in africa who dont even have windows to keep the airconditioning in their houses?? or should i say "houses". and if they did have windows, they'd probly just get stolen... so be a little grateful. now if you will excuse me, i have to go turn down the thermostat... its COOKING in here!!!

craig said...

it is true...try four summers like that where every hour i would go from 17 degrees to 35 degrees to 50 degrees back and forth, in and out of plants and trailers. crazy. i would prefer a fan anyday as well