Friday, February 24, 2006

slow and steady doesn't win the race

The well known fable that we were told as kids, of the turtle passing and winning the race against the hare because he was slow and steady has been proven to be false. The computer in which I am typing on belongs to my parents. I remember when we first got it, I think I was in grade 6, meaning that it is 7 years old. This is ancient in computer years. It does not handle the "new" technology of internet very well, let alone dial-up. S-L-O-W. So needless to say it has been a pretty painful experience trying to research two papers this week. Normally I would be using my laptop, but when I got home and tried to turn it on the monitor wasn't working, so my good ol' Euro is in the shop getting a tuning. It's sad. So here's to high-speed internet and my own computer, oh how I miss you. Redeemer's internet is even sounding pretty good at this moment... GASP, I can't believe I just said that.