I am all for the general purpose of safetly, cause it most often serves the purpose of keeping the human race alive. However, I think that the Health Units in Ontario have crossed (maybe catapulted is a better word) over the line with their food safety procedures. Health Units are imposing thier rules on church suppers/potlucks or anything of the like, outlawing those not following the regulations of having a caterer and all food prepared in a government approved kitchen.
The other week a church in my area held a funeral for one of its members and afterwards they served little sandwiches for the friends and family. While this was going on the Health Inspectors barged in and demanded that they see the reciepts for the eggs and meat that the church ladies used to make the sandwiches. When they were unable to produce them, the Health Inspectors had the gall to throw out all the sandwiches in the garbage and close down the kitchen. I think that this is ridiculous and shameful. Who in their right mind would have the audacity to disrupt a funeral in this way?!
Another case also happened to a church around here, where the Health Inspectors came to their potluck and told everyone that it was illegal and threw out the food. I don't know about you but I have never heard of anyone getting deathly ill from a church potluck for pete's sake.
I was reading an article in the Ontario Farmer where Helen Dean, a no-nonsense granny from a dairy farm told the Health Unit that she would abide to any church supper inspections. But to ensure food safety she wished to make things even stricter. The inspector male of female will have to strip naked when they enter the door and be disinfected all over. Sounds reasonable to me! :)
Who needs food saftely at a church potluck, have they never heard of the 5 minute rule?
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
food safety
Posted by
Katrina VandenBerg
10:57 p.m.
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ummmm ok... wow i read ur blog, and i'm like this has got to be a joke!
are you kidding me that these ppl are doing this????? that is insanely retarted... who ever heard of such a thing.... and disrupting a funeral to throw out their sandwiches, how disrespectful if i was those ppl i would be getting a court order or sueing them or someting.... wow that is dumb... what r they going to do next try to tell us that our lords supper celelbration is a health and safety violation.... oh man they better not! then they would realy be seeing some trouble.... but seriulsy who does this... churhc potlucks bring ppl together and their fun and harmless..... and ppl do breakfasts and lunches and stuff for fundraisers for church ministries that is wow... i'm mad.... that is incredibly stupid!
But yea we do need to pray bout this Sarah is right.... stand up for what you believe in and let's make this right....
I like hte idea of stripping them naked too and sparying lysol or someting on them, lol!
wow what a crock
boo health and safety. it is true that this whole health and safety thing can become too big of deal - both in the workplace and in other social areas. i think people have to keep things in perspective - all these rules and regulations, although with good intentions, tend to become too cumbersome and make many people resent the agency and government even more.
p.s. boo spam commenting. delete it!
p.s.s. hi!
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