Thursday, June 16, 2005

school's out for the summer

School's out forever
School's out for summer
School's out with fever
School's out completely
- Alice Cooper

Wow I guess this is it. It's over (Just For Gags wailing in the background) I don't think it has hit me yet that I am finished High School and this is it. No more Redeemer, and some of the people in my class I am never going to see again after graduation. *sigh. Though I am going to try my best not to loose touch with people. Even though I am going to miss the people, I'm not going to miss the classes. I was increadibly happy when I was done my last exam. It felt so good, not have to worry about assignments, or feel guilty for not studying. It has been an awesome four years of my life in which I would not trade for the most chocolate in the world. Seriously, these have been life changing years and I'm not sure if they can get any better than this. Though apparently University is supposed to better, University must be a heck of an experience then. Through these years I have made quality friendships that are going to last through the test of time. I have also met so many great people who have in one way or another helped shape me into the person I am today. Thank-you all for these past years and the memories they have given me. I will miss you all terribly.