Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Autopro is much faster than CAA

So this is it, I have found a new job and am about to leave a job where the people I work with and for mean so much to me. I guess I have never really thought about it before this time when I am leaving. They are so great and the fact that they care about me and what is going on in my every day life and my walk with God has meant so much to me. And of course this past weekend doesn't make it any easier. On Saturday we had to do invetory, but then after Dave took us all out boating. It was a blast! I learnt how to water ski and just spent the day on the beach making sand castle with their kids and going tubing with Paul's wife Christina. These people mean so much to me, so it gonna be hard to say good-bye. Though it is time to move on, life changes. The job I got at Timmy's place may hold many opportunity yet to be seen.