This is what I do while I am 'studying' for midterms. I go on youtube and watch video clips to get a good laugh. This one not only made me laugh, but also cringe and cry. Enjoy!
(excuse the elmo and tigger scene...)
Thursday, February 15, 2007
to make you laugh, cringe, and cry
Posted by
Katrina VandenBerg
10:47 p.m.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
valentines day
Happy Valentines Day to all my loved ones back at home! I miss and love you all! May this day be a reminder that God's love is deeper than the deepest ocean, brighter than the brightest star, warmer than the warmest sunshine, softer than a sigh, higher than the highest mountain, wider than the sky and there is nothing in can ever change His Love for you.
And Happy Valentines Day to everyone!
Posted by
Katrina VandenBerg
1:24 p.m.
Monday, February 12, 2007
vice president speech
For all of you that were not able to hear my speech this morning.
Leadership is an action, not a position and a key component to action is vision.
I have served on Student Senate for both my years at Redeemer, as a First Year Representative and currently as Secretary. Over these past years I have realised the importance of not only having a vision but also implementing and accomplishing it.
Redeemer’s Student Senate has incredible potential. This year in particular we have realised that Senate was not reaching its full potential. Over the past couple of months we have been actively pursuing this issue and have been restructuring Senate so that it does not settle for what it is, but becomes what it ought to be. It is our job to ensure that the student’s voice does not get ignored and we must continue to accomplish our goal to become an effective, strong, and a reliable representative for you the students. As Vice-President I plan to carry on this vision with passion, perseverance, and practice.
I have a passion what Student Senate is and does. I realise that it is an awesome opportunity and a great responsibility to serve my fellow students and Redeemer. The more I learn and grow I become excited and motivated to see change and growth within the student body as a community. I want to see a community that will realise that we have a responsibility to our school; we have vital part to play in ensuring that Redeemer continues to grow with integrity. Our voices must be heard, our needs must be met, and our interests must be taken care of. My hope for Senate is that it is able to truly become the vehicle that makes this possible. It is our job to ensure that all the members of the Redeemer community remain responsive to the students.
To accomplish these goals you need perseverance. As the old saying says, ‘It is the leaky faucet that gets fixed first.’ My years on Senate have taught me the importance of persistence and perseverance. As Vice-President I promise to persevere in all circumstances, even when it seems as if what we have set before us is unattainable.
It is always easier to say something than actually do it, but I will practice what I preach. Through the position of Vice-President I will be a support for the President in leadership and direction, I will be available to hear your concerns and interests, and I will work towards building a stronger relationship between the student, Senate, and the Administration.
Lastly I will pursue Student Senate’s vision to ensure that it will reach its full potential and goals, all the while glorifying God through all its actions and seeking to advance His kingdom and promoting a spirit of service within the student body of Redeemer.
Posted by
Katrina VandenBerg
1:19 p.m.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
katrina for vice-president
The 4 P's of My Platform
1. Passion: I have been on Student Senate for the past two years. Last year as a First Year Senator and this year as Secretary. Over these past two years I have grown to have a passion for what Senate does. I love being involved in the workings of Senate within Redeemer and having this awesome opportunity to serve the students.
2. Practice: I say what I will do, I will do what I say and I will do my up most best to ensure that Senate also does what it says it will do. Through the position of Vice-President, I will be a support for the President in leadership and direction, I will be available to hear your concerns and opinions and bring them to Senate where we will deal with them and work towards a solution, I will continue to work towards building a stronger relationship between the Students, Senate, and the Administration, and lastly I will make sure the voice of the students does not get ignored in the decision making of Redeemer.
3. Perseverance: To accomplish goals you need perseverance. I have found this to be proven time and time again throughout my years on Senate. Sometimes the goals that you have set forth seem unattainable, but if Senate continues to work as a team with perseverance anything is possible.
As Vice-President I promise to persevere in all circumstances.
4. Potential: When I look at Senate I see so much potential for what it is and can be. As Vice-President I want the chance to continue in the process of enabling Senate to reach its full potential of becoming an effective, strong, and reliable representative for the Student Body to the Administration.
I appreciate your support! :)
Posted by
Katrina VandenBerg
7:48 p.m.
There are some presuppositions to the way we understand the the world whether we are Christians or not.
Just cause you said something doesn’t make it true
Even if it seems to work for you
Maybe I’m right and you think I’m wrong
If there is no God then everything is permissible. That is exactly what we are living in at the moment, in a world that denies that there is real objective moral good that insists that all moral truth is personal and subjective and that tolerance is a primary virtue. Now each of those statements are untrue.
Even if it seems to work for you
Maybe I’m right and you think I’m wrong
Do you really want the truth to come and set you free
Or are you satisfied with your state of complacency
So will you set down your pride and open up your mind
Just don’t start telling me your really honest
And don’t start telling me that I’m close minded
And don’t start telling me about your wisdom
Whenever love is attacked, whenever justice is attacked, whenever truth is attacked, whenever honour is attacked, you have a duty to be intolerant. And the actual strange thing about our society is that it is dependent not upon tolerance but upon intolerance. Because when our intolerances are appropriate there is no child abuse because we were not tolerant, there is no wife abuse because we were not tolerant, and so on. Our society declines precisely when we loose our discrimination between good and evil.
- Joel Geleynse
Posted by
Katrina VandenBerg
6:15 p.m.
Monday, February 05, 2007
This weekend Robyn, Ryan, Jordon, Jesse, and I made the trek out to Clinton to play and watch some hockey. Unfortunately we got caught in the worst whitewash snow storm I have ever seen. There were times where we were only navigating by Robyn and Ryan sticking their heads out of the windows to look for the road line. At one time a car in front of us drove right into a ditch. Jordan was golden though, we ended up surviving and even made it to Ryan's hockey game on time, but unfortunately it was canceled... so we ended up heading over to Ryan's house where we played a good two hours of hockey outside on their family rink in the backyard. Robyn and I each got a goal! :)
Needless to say I felt like a true blue Canadian this weekend. Going to watch a hockey game, getting stuck in a snowstorm, and playing hockey - doesn't get much better than that.
What we saw through the windshield for a good two hours:
Posted by
Katrina VandenBerg
1:36 a.m.
psalm 103
One of my favourite parts of Redeemer are the times when we get together to worship. Tonight we had a low key gathering at 34. It's such a wonderful and uplifting thing.
1 Praise the LORD, O my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
2 Praise the LORD, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits-
3 who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
5 who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.
6 The LORD works righteousness
and justice for all the oppressed.
7 He made known his ways to Moses,
his deeds to the people of Israel:
8 The LORD is compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger, abounding in love.
9 He will not always accuse,
nor will he harbor his anger forever;
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his love for those who fear him;
12 as far as the east is from the west,
so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
Posted by
Katrina VandenBerg
1:25 a.m.