Tuesday, December 09, 2008

glimpses of glory

There isn't much I that enjoy. Infact, I could fit it all onto one page and I have big writing.

In an attempt to redeem my taste and interests after my last post, I will give you a little peek into what really gets me.

On Saturday we went to hear Handle's Messiah performed by the Redeemer choir. What an incredible experience. I could probably rave about it for a long time, and if you are reading this blog you most likely have already heard it all. So I will spare you the details, well most of them anyways.
As I sat in the hard wooden pew benches, a tad bit chilly from the drafty doors, I experienced the unique story of my Messiah in a way that I never have had before.
In a world that is overwhelmed in darkness, I am so thankful for the times when God allows us a glimpse of His glory; for when there is such a light you cannot see the darkness. On Saturday night, while the chorus rang true, I was unable to notice darkness, I could only hear the angels and see my Lord.

It is these glimpses that make me long for heaven and spur me on in hope for Home.


Robyn deGroot said...

I am sad that i didn't get to go to the concert. i like the revamp though!!

Anonymous said...

hands down, best intro ever.