Wednesday, February 07, 2007


There are some presuppositions to the way we understand the the world whether we are Christians or not.

Just cause you said something doesn’t make it true

Even if it seems to work for you

Maybe I’m right and you think I’m wrong

you think I’m weak but maybe I’m strong

If there is no God then everything is permissible. That is exactly what we are living in at the moment, in a world that denies that there is real objective moral good that insists that all moral truth is personal and subjective and that tolerance is a primary virtue. Now each of those statements are untrue.

Even if it seems to work for you

Maybe I’m right and you think I’m wrong

You think I’m weak but maybe I’m strong

Do you really want the truth to come and set you free

Or are you satisfied with your state of complacency

So will you set down your pride and open up your mind

He says will you believe in me

Just don’t start telling me your really honest

And don’t start telling me that I’m close minded

And don’t start telling me about your wisdom

Why don’t we start at the same presupposition

Whenever love is attacked, whenever justice is attacked, whenever truth is attacked, whenever honour is attacked, you have a duty to be intolerant. And the actual strange thing about our society is that it is dependent not upon tolerance but upon intolerance. Because when our intolerances are appropriate there is no child abuse because we were not tolerant, there is no wife abuse because we were not tolerant, and so on. Our society declines precisely when we loose our discrimination between good and evil.

- Joel Geleynse