Monday, January 01, 2007

another year is dawning

Wow, what a great year.
The year of 2006 was a lesson on change. This past year I left home for the first time and embarked on the experience of Univeristy. When I graduated from grade 12 I was a pretty confident person, I knew what I wanted in life, thought I knew who I was, and going to off to Redeemer was just the next step.
God threw me for a loop or two and this past year was nothing like I expected. These loops turned out to be big learning curves. I have grown so much in every area of my life and I have realised that I will never stop be amazed at what I have yet to learn. That being said, I look forward to what this coming year holds, it's sure to be interesting to say the least! Life is never dull around here.

Highlights of 2006
- surprise trip to Niagra Falls for my 19th birthday
- the Banquet
- Mike taking me to a Delirious? concert
- the many hours on the tractor this summer which allowed me to memorize the lyrics to all the country tunes
- painting the fence, not so much a highlight but it is what my summers days consisted of so it's kinda imprinted on my memory.
- our first family vaction in 6 years to Kingdom Bound
- defeating my fear of heights and rollercoaster by going on Superman
- being a camp counsellor at camp Adonai
- star gazing on the night when there was a meteor shower
- surviving the Senate Budget Meeting, 21 hours, longest meeting of my life!
- going to the Christian Farmers dinner with Liz
- the mouldy wrap fight with Ree and all that entailed, except for the huge goose egg on my noggen
- beating the guys (dorm 34) in the first snow battle of the season
- all the great late night discussions
- The Office marathons and laughing until I cried while watching them (I'm on withdrawl)
- the Christmas break that involved Dance Dance Revolution, endless chocolate, lots of snow, the Sound of Music, winning my fist game of Monopoly, many games of Wizard, 24 hour flu (not so nice), literally jumping into the new year and the almost detrimental face masks. It was great.


Robyn deGroot said...

Happy New Year katrina! well said, this past year definately was a learning experience and alot of fun. Look foreward to seeing you soon!

Rebecca said...

monopoly. I don't even want to go there- I played 3 games against my little brothers- and lost each one in less than an hour! How is that even possible?

Anonymous said...

wow katrina... You have a lot of highlights! And good ones too! But may I remind you that we at Dorm 34 definately do not appreciate liars, especially when it comes to an historic victory like the very first snowball fight of the christmas season. Now take it back!!! you've made me very angry!!!WE DESTROYED YOU GUYS!!! ahem...

Katrina VandenBerg said...

timothy, im not lying...
its just a matter of perspective. i will never take it back. :)