Monday, May 22, 2006

faith like a child

Yesterday, I once again got to teach my Sunday School class of 4 year olds; I have missed it.
It always seems that although I am supposed to be the one teaching the lesson, I am the one who ends up learning more through them. The lesson was on Jesus and the Children, when He calls all the little children to come to Him. When it was question time I asked the kids in my class what they would say to Jesus if He were in the room. One of the little girls shot up her hand and answered pointing to her heart, "Jesus is here right now, He is always with me, I can't see Him, but I know He lives in my heart. I play with Him everyday."
The faith of children is mind baffeling; they do not question, they just accept and believe. And I think that because of that kind of faith they are able to feel Jesus' presence in their lives in a way that we are unable to. It is so precious to see. Jesus said the kingdom of God belongs to little children (Luke 18:16). I think I understand this truth a little better.
Sometimes I think that we are too easily prone to complicate our faith. Not that I think that questioning and studying deeper is wrong, because it through our seeking that we are able to grasp a deeper understanding of God. Although, it is so easy to forget that the root of our faith is so simple. We cannot let our doubts, fears, and struggles overshadow the truth. Jesus is here, God is present. He lives in our hearts and when we can't see Him it is not because He is not there, it is because we are the ones who have closed our hearts. Just ask a child.

God help us in our unbelief.


Robyn deGroot said...

Very true- I always rememer when my youngest brother was little- he would just crawl off the end of the bed and trust that you would catch him- we need faith in God like that. We need to trust that he is always there to catch us when we fall.

heather said...

faith like a child - it is true... so many times we think to deeply into things and try to figure out everything on our own when all we need to do is trust God!

D said...

thats an awesome picture katrina!