Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Have you ever nailed your elbow on the arm of your wooden couch on the downward swing of your yawn? I have, this afternoon in fact. Now my bruised elbow is what is keeping me from writing my paper, ouch.

Papers, papers, papers. I said that three times because that is how many I have to write in the next week. I wanted to get this one done today, but somehow doing the dishes, taking a nap, snuggling with Cow, listening to David Gray, sipping tea, and writing this blog seemed more important. Oops.

I think I am suffering from an extreme case of Pro-crast-in-ation. Don't worry about me though, I get it every year around this time and I always seem to get through it fine. As long as no other disease such as Tuberculosis attacks me at the same time.

Elbow. That's a weird word.


Anonymous said...

yes I have....

Anonymous said...

doesn't look like your getting your stuff done.

de groot family